馬來西亞國家天文台 Malaysia National Observatory RCOS 20" Telescope (IV)

分類: 技術項目 Projects, 器材 Equipment
給我在馬來西亞的朋友們帶來好消息更新:我剛剛在中國南京完成了工作。馬來西亞國家天文台的 RCOS 20 鏡組已重新鍍了 94% 以上的增強鋁,干涉測試確認其形狀保持得非常好。這些鏡片將會運回香港,光學鏡筒組裝後很快運回國家天文台再次運作。
Good news update for my friends in Malaysia: I just finished in Nanjing, China. The Malaysia National Observatory RCOS 20 mirror set is recoated with 94% plus enhanced aluminum, and the interferometry test confirmed the figure is kept very well. The mirrors will be shipped back to Hong Kong, with the optical tube being assembled and then shipped back to Malaysia National Observatory for operation again very soon.
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